Creating Recipes For Success

As per the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), School Psychologists provide direct support and interventions to students, consult with teachers, families, and other school-employed mental health professionals (i.e., school counselors, school social workers) to improve support strategies, work with school administrators to improve school-wide practices and policies, and collaborate with community providers to coordinate needed services. They help schools successfully: improve academic achievement; promote positive behavior and mental health; support diverse learners; create safe, positive school climates; strengthen family-school partnerships; and improve school-wide assessment and accountability.

SPICES is dedicated to fulfilling this awesome obligation at your educational setting. We start our journey by working with you to identify areas of need, creating comprehensive action plans, and supporting you through implementation. SPICES is your catch all support to improving school community and climate for students, staff and families.

Comprehensive School Program Review

Report with Resources and Recommendations

Support via Consultation or Direct Support


“We appreciated the Program Review Process! It brought all of us together- including GE teachers, principal, admin, program specialist, ed specialists, MHT, School psych, etc. We loved observing co-teaching within the classroom setting and then getting to debrief and self-assess our Special Ed program as a whole. It was nice to be able to rate the school and know what needs to happen in order for change to occur.” – Aspire Public School Special Education Teammates

Learn how we can help you build a better climate!
